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Nov 20th 2020
The Priti Patel SHAME thread:

Patel apologised today, saying: "It's never been my intention to cause upset to anyone." This is a lie.

The summary of the report is illuminating as it seeks continually to excuse her behaviour, but can't avoid concluding that she is a bully. 1/18
Bearing in mind that the officially released summary constitutes fewer than 500 words, it is extraordinary that it offers no less than 9 justifications for her behaviour, and seeks repeatedly to spread the blame for her bullying to the victims themselves. 2/18
Excuse 1: Patel "has become – justifiably in many instances – frustrated by the Home Office leadership’s lack of responsiveness & the lack of support she felt.” That ‘frustrat[ion]’ “manifested itself in forceful expression, including some occasions of shouting & swearing.” 3/18
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