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Feb 10th 2020
The #TrumpBudget is replete with dangerous proposals that leave working families to fend for themselves in a changing and uncertain economy. It makes the President’s priorities clear: the wealthiest Americans come first ahead of working Americans.
The #TrumpBudget is a manifestation of #TrumpBrokenPromises to improve health care, safeguard Medicare, & eliminate the debt. POTUS cuts Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, nutrition assistance, student loan assistance, & other priorities to offset the deficits caused by the #GOPTaxScam.
POTUS & GOP allies promised that their tax cuts for the wealthiest would pay for themselves & not cause higher deficits because the benefits directed toward the wealthy would eventually trickle down to workers & boost economic activity. This #TrumpBudget makes no mention of them.
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