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Aug 12th 2020

Here's a list of 50 promises Trump made on the campaign trail. He's broken nearly every one of them.

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1) Mexico pay for wall
2) Better, cheaper healthcare
3) Bring down/payoff deficit
4).Release taxes
5) Denuclearize NK
6) Label China currency manipulator
7) Won't bomb Syria
8) End Afghanistan war
9) LGBTQ champion
10) Sue abuse accusers
11) 5 year lobbying ban
12) Stop foreign lobbying
13) 6 week paid leave
14) Tax-free dependent care
15) Rich pay higher taxes
16) Middle class tax cut
17) Cut college tuition
18) Hire the best people
19) Drain the swamp
20) Close special int loopholes
Read 6 tweets
Jan 9th 2020

In 2019, @realDonaldTrump came to Ohio five times.

Today, he’s holding his first campaign rally of 2020 right here in the Buckeye State

Are you wondering -- why does Trump keep coming to Ohio?

Keep reading for a #BuckeyeBomb tweet thread about #TrumpsBrokenPromises
Why does @realDonaldTrump keep coming back to Ohio?

1. He knows he can’t win the White House without us.

2. Ohio is in play because of #TrumpsBrokenPromises and failed policies.
Over the past year, @realDonaldTrump’s approval ratings have been steady in Ohio -- steadily underwater.

A July 2019 Quinnipiac University poll found Trump had a negative 43 - 52 percent job approval rating.…
Read 14 tweets

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