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Sep 28th 2021
My best biscuit creation was this Tardis cake with a spiced biscuit shell. A light came on inside and it made the Tardis sound. It was a nightmare! But my husband was dying in hospital, it was our son's 6th birthday, and I wanted Sam to know that we would be OK. #GBBO
I took it into hospital to show Sam before taking it to the birthday party. I wanted him to know that I had this - he didn't need to worry. Me and the (now) 8yo were going to be OK. I recorded the story in #TwEatMore, although the cake recipe was FAR too complicated for my books!
This was how I wrote it up in #TwEatMore alongside a very quirky Dr Who themed recipe for 'Fish Fingers & Custard', which the (then) 6yo had for his birthday tea - a moment of lightness for him in dark times.
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