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May 31st 2023
Here is a #thread đŸ§”about me seeking out a little river near where I live in berkshire and what happens when you close down access to people seeking a connection to nature and place @Right_2Roam @jm0ses @Buteblackbird @nicolawriting @nickhayesillus1 @Anna_Dillon @avlawson Image
This is the River Lambourn which sits nestled in the wonderful North Wessex Downs AONB, and it is indeed wonderful - a gorgeous clear chalk stream which flows from Lambourn in the downs to meet the River Kennet just near's known as the valley of the racehorse 🐎 ImageImageImageImage
I have become quite obsessed with the flow of water to the Thames recently and the Kennet + it's tributaries are amazing....the peace and tranquility combined with the attachment to the history is great (oh, and the pubs - this one in Great Shefford was The Swan I think?) ImageImageImage
Read 17 tweets
Oct 20th 2022
"Now, I'd like you to gently squeeze the accelerator, Mister Pertwee."
*Ka-thunk!* VROOOMMM!!!
#5Docs Image
Jon has just posted a letter saying:
"Dear John Nathan-Turner
I'm sorry, but I don't feel ready to return to Doctor Who.
Yours sincerely, Tom Baker"
#5Docs Image
If you had the chance you'd Timescoop Jon Pertwee, wouldn't you? And Bessie. It would be great.
#5Docs Image
Read 232 tweets
Oct 6th 2022
The episode seemingly boiled Mexican culture down to sombreros, maracas, tacos, and "Juan" jokes.

Earlier this week, Prue Leith took to Twitter to announce that the Great British Bake Off's theme for their next episode would be "Mexican week."

Yeah, yikes 😅 Image
It's not that I don't think it's possible to do an episode like this with appreciation and respect for the culture, but I was fairly certain that wasn't the direction #GBBO would be going.

Does anyone remember "Japanese week"??? ImageImageImageImage
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Oct 5th 2021
All set for bread week on #GBBO? Will JĂŒrgen flour-power his way to star baker? Or is a new champ ready to roll/bap/bun? What we really knead to know though
 which is your favourite?
Do you prefer tiger bread or sourdough?
Crumpets or flatbreads?
Read 6 tweets
Sep 28th 2021
My best biscuit creation was this Tardis cake with a spiced biscuit shell. A light came on inside and it made the Tardis sound. It was a nightmare! But my husband was dying in hospital, it was our son's 6th birthday, and I wanted Sam to know that we would be OK. #GBBO
I took it into hospital to show Sam before taking it to the birthday party. I wanted him to know that I had this - he didn't need to worry. Me and the (now) 8yo were going to be OK. I recorded the story in #TwEatMore, although the cake recipe was FAR too complicated for my books!
This was how I wrote it up in #TwEatMore alongside a very quirky Dr Who themed recipe for 'Fish Fingers & Custard', which the (then) 6yo had for his birthday tea - a moment of lightness for him in dark times.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 27th 2021
Jake Gyllenhaal turned 40 over lockdown.

He talks to @thesundaytimes about what women have over men, being an uncle and, um, baked Alaska.

The Oscar-nominated star has been having a long, hard think about his life while in lockdown.

He’s decided that, while he is “proud of my achievements, especially professionally”, he might have missed out on the more personal side of life.
“I realised how much more fun I would like to be,” Gyllenhaal says. Image
Read 8 tweets
Sep 25th 2021
me (watching gbbo): oh no another coronavirus season. an achy breaky heart parody??? nooo its jumped the shark

the show: jĂŒrgen likes to play the trombone with his family to serenade the brighton waterfront and his rabbit, humphrey.

tom runs a model train business.
also matt deadpan singing the flintstones theme song in german ("yabba dabba doo zeit") was a pure genius moment
i wanna fuck the sexy greek man. im also sad that we're lacking two stock characters, the english rose and the chaos gay
Read 7 tweets
Sep 20th 2021
A new series of #GBBO begins tomorrow night. Yet however many million tune in, its original hosts Mel Giedroyc and @sueperkins won’t be among them.

“I just think it would make me sad to watch it,” Perkins says.

They left the show in 2016 when it moved to Channel 4. No regrets, they say. And yet . . .

“We gave it everything we had and we made a decision that was easy to make, but hard sometimes to reflect upon,” Perkins says. “You just wish it well.”
Much as they loved Bake Off, however, they never thought it would be a job for life. So they doubt they would still be with it even if it hadn’t left the BBC.

“I think we would have left when Mary wanted to leave,” Giedroyc says. Image
Read 8 tweets
Dec 3rd 2020
The Great British Baking Show’s @LauraAdlington talks competing in a "lovely" bubble, behind-the-scenes intel, and, yes, that Freddie Mercury cake. A conversation with @devonsaysrelax
#GBBO's Laura Adlington on finding out she’d been confirmed for the show:
The Great British Baking Show’s Laura Adlington on practicing in the Bake Off bubble:
Read 6 tweets
Nov 18th 2020
OK bitches, strap yourselves in, as this is going to be a bumpy ride.
A few days ago, the blue-sky thinking @Bigshirtlesscol had an epiphany.
Read 44 tweets
Sep 29th 2020
Noel Fielding as cakes.

A thread.

Read 27 tweets
Sep 22nd 2020
"Everyone had to quarantine for nine days, have two Covid tests and have food delivered to their doors"

Not even a national lockdown could stop The Great British Bake Off - but just how did they pull it off? #GBBO

This year’s youngest baker, 20-year-old student Peter from Edinburgh, informs us that he “listens” to his cakes to work out whether they’re baked properly

Watch you don’t burn your ear, Peter! #GBBO
With her excellent piping and well-balanced flavours, Sura finishes in first place. She looks terribly guilty about it, though.

Peter is narrowly beaten into second and has stormed both rounds so far. A potential Star Baker, surely.

Read 3 tweets
Jun 9th 2020
From Noel Fielding @noelfielding11 to David Mitchell @RealDMitchell many comic actors perform blackface to get laughs. Lets take a look at them hiding behind the 'post-racial/edgy' label... #BlackLivesMatterUK #littlebritain
David Mitchell @RealDMitchell and Robert Webb @arobertwebb kick things off. Super edgy, post-racial, stuff. Getting laughs from performing blackface once was not enough for the lads however...
Peep Show David Mitchell @RealDMitchell and @arobertwebb decided to black up in case we missed the first time. Blackface is performed with the consent of TV critics, publications and broadcasters. Next we have #GBBO fave Noel Fielding @noelfielding11...
Read 19 tweets
Mar 11th 2020
In *important* news, Matt Lucas is the new co-host of Great British Bake Off. A theory..., 1/
We can divide #GBBO into distinct phases a la the Roman Empire
OG GBBO is a mixture of Caesar, high Augustus, little bit of batshit Caligula/Claudius (Paul, of course), tailing off to Nero and debauched self-awareness
Inevitable end
Revamped #GBBO was Hadrian, M.Aurelius, Commodus (again, Paul). Bigger global appeal, more intelligent (Sandy) but lacking the original charm/raison d’etre of its predecessor. Bit soulless (Prue). Probably superior in quality but it’ll never be the first up on a teaching syllabus
Read 6 tweets
Oct 18th 2019

Hello everyone. Yesterday we made a mistake. Now we're trying to put things right.


The product featured in this advert is not real.


Not sure we can be any clearer about this.
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Aug 27th 2019
We just discovered this baking book in our collection from 1910 and it's properly floured our dough #GBBO
It's got 19 - NINETEEN - different recipes for Genoese sponge. And over 400 different recipes for 'gateaux and dessert cakes'.
Want a cake that looks like a rock melon, or a cauliflower? DONE!
Read 10 tweets
Aug 27th 2019
Series 10 of @BritishBakeOff starts today. Which means I’ve been producing the illustrations for 10 years! #GBBO
Here is what series 1’s winning illustrations looked like in 2010 and Series 9 looked like 2018.
I moved to London in 2010, & got a job logging footage in the edit of the first episode. The editor (Simon Evans) & the director (Andy Devonshire) decided there was a visual element missing from the show. Something to help the viewers understand what was hopefully being created.
I got the gig and the rest is history! Me and my team have drawn well over 3,000 bakes to date. Bake Off has been a life changing opportunity for me, it’s been the hardest, longest, most challenging and brilliant project I’ve ever been a part of.
Read 10 tweets
Oct 30th 2018
It’s definitely a news week in which the harmless sugar and spice of a #GBBO2018 final is welcome.

So, Ruby?
PS. Sorry @Sathnam. #GBBO
Woohoo Rahul. Congratulations, and it’s so lovely to see you smile!

Fab stuff Ruby & Kim Joy!

And @Sathnam. I feel a great big sigh of relief for you too. #GBBOFinal
Read 3 tweets

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