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Sep 8th 2021
So #UACES2021 is a wrap. Another excellent demonstration of the strength of European Studies and convening power of @UACES (plus of what a lovely bunch of people you all are)

Huge thanks to UACES office for their hard work to make this all happen, @emlinne, Melina & Emma

The end of #UACES2021 also means I take up my role as @UACES Chair. @NicholasStartin has been a model of leadership and collegiality during an even-more-than-expected period of disruption and I hope to build on his many good works

.@UACES has always been my 'home' association and it's always been a place of support and encouragement and I look forward to making sure that continues for all our members, alongside my fellow officers @JocelynMawdsley @DrKathrynSimps @RGuerrina

Read 6 tweets
Mar 29th 2021
An apposite day to announce I'm going to be next @UACES chair

Moving out of @SurreyPolitics office, ahead of starting @OUPolitics in May, and remarking in what a big part of my professional career @UACES has been
Since I started by PhD @LSEEI in 1999, @UACES has been central to my work, first with @UACESgf colleagues and then with those working on euroscepticism, including the very excellent @NicholasStartin, whose shoes I will be trying to fill as Chair
But @UACES folk have been there since I was a student, with their numerous textbooks and research outputs, and the events so numerous that I gave up trying to count a bit before lunchtime
Read 7 tweets

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