Simon Usherwood Profile picture
@OUPolitics Prof; @UKandEU Snr Fellow Chair @UACES. Brexit, EU-UK relations + L&T (@ALPSblog). Also @JPSE_Editors @adietofbrussels
12 subscribers
Jan 31, 2024 18 tweets 6 min read
Government's Command Paper on NI and the DUP deal

thoughts to follow, but first impression is this is at least as much about presentation as substance… A long list of new measures

Sep 28, 2023 25 tweets 6 min read
Lots of talk about regulatory alignment right now, so here's a go at unpacking what it involves, and what happens when you step away.

Let’s start with a model world, with 3 states

1/ Image In this world, each state has some different regulations (each arrow): how much arrow point in the same direction shows how much they match up with their counterpart in other countries

(yes, it's more complicated than this, but you get the drift)

2/ Image
May 11, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
Since it's obviously #REULDay, you probably need to check out the govt's own records on this

Mainly because they're less than ideal

Since the middle of last year, the govt has been running a #REUL dashboard, notable mainly for the very infrequent updates it gets…

May 11, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
A quick parsing of the #REULBill u-turn

tl;dr the ice feels a bit thin for No.10, compared to the post-Windsor glow

You will recall that Windsor was notable as much for the lack of pushback by CON backbenchers as for its content

May 10, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Press release on the changes to #REULBill

Welcome change, but still not the 'certainty' it seems…

1/ Image Original Bill defeat revoked any remaining EU law on statue books at end 2023, which was problematic

2/ Image
May 9, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
It's #EuropeDay, so let's read the letter from the EU27 ambassadors in today's Guardian, shall we?…

1/ ImageImage While not unprecedented, it's unusual for such a letter to be written: treat it as a demonstration of collective intent and openness

Apr 4, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
We're back in 'bold alternatives', I see

Let's think about what this might involve, shall we?… UK govt is fully able to fund any unilateral action it likes, so if it can't resolve the Horizon funding issue, then it can just go it alone, as it has already done to some extent

So it's all good, right?
Mar 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
It's not nothing, but in comparison to the heady days of 2017-9, it doesn't look like a major rebellion Counterpoint: plenty of abstaining, so this isn't enthused support for Sunak/deal either

Mar 21, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Some discussion on the Stormont Brake SI and whether it's inline with the Framework/Protocol

Let's look at it, shall we?

1/ The SI implements the Windsor Framework by creating a new statutory committee of the NI Assembly…

Mar 7, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Right then

It's you, me and the waffle van at breakfast

Let's talk about the Stormont Brake

1/ The hotel I'm staying decided it needed this van as a big statement, both of how great it is and of all the possibilities it contains

They have more conventional options too

Feb 27, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
Let's consider how today has gone for what we'll now have to call the Windsor Framework

tl;dr about as well as could be hoped for, maybe better Run-in over past weeks was distinctly hazy - no grass-rolling, no consultation, mixed signals about how much was actually settled

However, did also draw some of the sting today, given text came with no major surprises
Feb 27, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
A few more conversations and I think I see what the problem is for opponents of the deal: no one wants to be the face of this Previous strength of hard Brexit movement came in part from breadth: lots of supporting action for other wings, so too many to be singled out and contained
Feb 27, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
Let's think about who's got what power over this Protocol deal, shall we? In formal terms, representatives of UK govt and EU can agree this within Withdrawal Agreement's Joint Cte

Might need some enabling legislation on each side, but largely that can be done by secondary legislation, so limited input/control from others
Feb 26, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Right, my focaccia-making skills have not been enough to get the family to spend the rest of the evening with me, so let's think about what an NIP deal text might look like and where the traps lie

Starting point is status of text itself

Is it a declaration of Jt Council to clarify functioning of Protocol, or a new EU-UK agreement that partially supercedes (small) parts of said Protocol?

Feb 26, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Indeed, but evident ECJ will still have some role in Protocol, so why the talk of having got this over the line? More talk today of 'moving on' on this, but still doesn't ring true…
Feb 23, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
A great line-up for @SurreyPolitics discussion on the war in Ukraine: @profsarahwolff chairing @JulianBKing @LordRickettsP and Eduardo Festo @UkrEmbLondon Image Fesko rightly points up the need to think about what comes after the war: economic and political reconstruction have to build from now and from what there is
Feb 17, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Some thoughts ahead of this weekend's apparent unveiling of a deal on NI Protocol between UK and EU

Let's start with process

Sunak has kept to his predecessors' approach of trying to keep very few people in the loop about talks: UK-EU and UK internal talks are highly separated until deals land and then selling goes overtime

Readers will recall how that went for May

Feb 9, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
Since there's much talk of a #Brexit deal floating about right now, maybe useful to talk about who gets to decide/agree on this

tl;dr legal rights ≠ political leverage

If we assume that any deal is being written within existing legal texts, then it's a pretty tight circle

Both WA and TCA have bodies set up to deal with precisely this kind of thing: a Partnership Council and Joint Cte, respectively

Feb 2, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
You might remember the REUL dashboard that the government set up in September

Quite useful, but with no sign of progress


Someone did a very major overhaul this week and it's gone a bit wild…

1/ I've been doing a monthly tracker on this (…), which mostly just showed nothing happening

This week, lots of updates:
- headline total of REUL items jumped from 2417 to 3745 (54% increase)
- method for showing changes has, um, changed too

Dec 11, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
A quick reminder on the progress of Brexit-related Bills

1/ NIP Bill was introduced in June and got pushed through Commons very promptly under Truss's sponsorship as ForSec. Leadership things barely delayed matters, and Lords haven't indicated that they will go-slow either

Dec 5, 2022 14 tweets 2 min read
Right then

A thread on why Starmer is mostly wrong, a little bit right and massively disingenuous on this

1/ Let's start with the 'little bit right' element first, as it's correct to say that the transition costs to business of moving back into the single market (SM)/customs union (CU) would be substantial (equivalent to those incurred from leaving)
