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Sep 27th 2021
If you think it’s frustrating that the Federal Govt is able to ‘run up debts’ that the State Govts have to ‘make good’, consider this:

Our foreign policy is now 💯 controlled by another country, who is not accountable to us in any way, and can use us as they see fit.

The US is not ‘protecting us’ from China. They are using us to make it seem like they have a ‘coalition’ of Western nations who are like-minded, when actually it’s simply their own desire to retain dominance over China.

We saw this in the Iraq War of 2003. We were ‘used’ then.
Our present Gov is like an untrustworthy partner who secretly takes out a second mortgage on the family home, and keeps the money for themselves.

They have sold ‘our’ birthright for ‘their’ election.
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