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#ushioi — peter pan au

Oikawa as the Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up, and Ushijima who stumbles into Neverland on one strange, unforgettable night.

“Do you believe in magic?”

Ushijima frowns, shakes his head.

Oikawa laughs, proud and pretty.

“Let me prove you wrong, then.”
Oikawa takes Ushijima’s hand in his, small and warm, grip gentle but firm. Bathed in something luminous that Sugawara had called pixie dust, Ushijima and Oikawa start to float, ascending into the moonlit sky slowly but surely, as if they weighed no more than a feather.
Ushijima doesn’t know what to say; things like this only happened in the films his mother sometimes permitted him to watch. Everything about this—this island, this boy—defies logic. But instead of fear, something softer, more tender unfurls in his chest as he gazes at Oikawa,
Read 12 tweets
#ushioi — arranged marriage, misunderstandings

Wakatoshi has known the realities of arranged marriages from a tender age. His parents’ marriage, as loveless as it is enduring, is one of convenience.

That’s why, when it was decided that Wakatoshi would marry Tooru,
a prince from the House of Aoba Johsai, Wakatoshi knew, more or less, what to expect. He’d been prepared for this. He must be strong for it would be a marriage that is cold, lonesome, and unhappy; they would be partners, but only in the most detached, distant sense.
Except, when Wakatoshi saw Tooru enter the House of Shiratorizawa for the first time, dressed in a variance of blue and green fabrics, smiling at Wakatoshi’s parents like Tooru had known them his whole life,
Read 44 tweets
#UshiOi | Coffee shop AU


“A medium mocha, please.”

“Anything else?”

“Nothing, thank you.”

Wakatoshi takes the order, and a few minutes later, he delivers the drink. The customer thanks him and leaves. Wakatoshi is left thinking about his piercing eyes.

“A large cappuccino, please.”

“Anything else?”

“Nothing, thank you.”

Wakatoshi takes the order, and a few minutes later, he delivers the drink.

“Have a good day.”

“You too,” the customer replies before leaving.

Wakatoshi thinks about how good-looking the man is.

“A small Americano, please.”

“Anything else?”

“Nothing, thank you.”

Wakatoshi takes the order.

“How is work?” It is the first time the client has asked him something while waiting.

“It’s been quiet. And how have you been?”

“I can’t complain.”
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#ushioi, NSFW🔞, exes to lovers

Wakatoshi has a talent for getting on Tooru nerves. Maybe that’s the reason why he finds the man so irresistible.

Tooru grunts as his back hits the wall, their mouths already colliding in a hungry, angry kiss.
The sounds of the party goes on just outside of the room, but nothing could distract him from the slick gasps as they slide tongue into mouths and bite down on lips.

“You’re an asshole,” Tooru says.”After all these years. You’re still insufferable.”
Wakatoshi ignores the jab and bends down. With a scoop and a shrug of strong shoulders, he hikes Tooru’s thighs in his grasp.

Tooru is completely off the ground, pinned between the wall and Wakatoshi’s broad chest, completely at the mercy of this annoying, insane man.
Read 15 tweets
#ushioi — nsfw

Wakatoshi is hardly the sentimental sort of fellow, but he can never forget the first time he fucked Tooru. It’s easy to remember, to be taken back to that moment, because Tooru still feels as tight as the first time Wakatoshi had taken him.
He doesn’t know how Tooru manages to make the initial slide so satisfying every single time, but Wakatoshi certainly isn’t complaining.

“Tooru,” he groans when he bottoms out, which always requires a moment of pause.
It’s during this time that he collects himself, reminds himself that he will make his lover cum before he does, because Wakatoshi is a gentleman, after all. It’s a moment of adjustment for Tooru, too,
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#ushioi, NSFW🔞, catboy!tooru, morning sex, ~1k words

Early morning light filters into their bedroom and Tooru wakes up promptly at 5am.

He stretches and climbs atop of Wakatoshi, curling up into a ball on his husband's body to nap some more.

Wakatoshi holds his breath.
In the early days of their relationship, he'd be so afraid of accidentally moving and scaring the finicky cat hybrid off that he’d stay so still his muscles start to cramp. These days, he knows Tooru will always choose him, moving or not.
Wakatoshi brushes a single finger over the soft brown fur of Tooru's ear, smiling when it flicks at the touch. He pats down the unruly mop of wavy hair, rubbing the scent glands across Tooru's cheek as the cat nuzzles into his palm.
Read 23 tweets
#ushioi — nsfw, omegaverse, size kink

Wakatoshi is much bigger than every single one of Tooru’s past lovers.
He’s long enough that Tooru feels him in the back of his throat before he even bottoms out, thick enough that Tooru has to use both hands to completely encircle his girth.
Tooru’s mouth stretches obscenely, enveloping as much of Wakatoshi’s cock as he can. And when he smiles, he knows he looks a little insane, debauched, disgusting with how much spit spills from his lips, but he knows, by the way Wakatoshi’s cock quivers, that Wakatoshi /likes/ it.
Read 19 tweets
#ushioi — non-traditional relationships

Ushijima, arranged to be married to a woman he barely knows, meets stunning and single Oikawa, their wedding planner.
The attraction is instant. It’s dangerous, like a lit matchstick in a forest.

To his credit, Oikawa keeps his distance. There is always space between them. But his glances, brief as they are, linger like the touch of a hand that Ushijima aches to hold.
His fiancée and Oikawa are both strangers to him, but Ushijima can see himself loving only one, and it is the person he cannot have.
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#ushioi, NSFW🔞


Tooru catches Wakatoshi staring at him while he was stretching one day.

“Hmm, I wonder…”

“What’s up Waka-chan?”

Wakatoshi looks away quickly. A light blush colours his cheekbones. “Nothing,” he says.

Tooru leaves him be.

He finds out soon enough during sex.

"What the hell was that for Waka-chan?"

Tooru pulls back in amused shock, gently pushing Wakatoshi's hand off his thigh. "Why're you trying to lift my legs so high for? We're supposed to fuck, not perform at the cique du soleil."
Wakatoshi looks away, and Tooru has been with the man long enough to know he's embarrassed. "...Nothing."

Tooru pieces two and two together quickly. "It's about my flexibility, isn't it," he says. "It turns you on."
Read 21 tweets
“Oikawa, I baked milk bread for you.”

Oikawa stares at the huge basket of fresh bread. He’s doing his best not to drool at the heavenly smell.

“I also got you this,” says Ushijima as he handles the basket and a shinny blue rock. “Do you like them…?” (1/3) / #UshiOi
Oikawa tries to appeal nonchalant as he hugs the gifts to his chest. Oikawa tries to ignore the way his blush is even worse than Ushijima’s.

“I… yes… thank you, Ushiwaka.”

Ushijima smiles, and nods. He’s ready to leave, not wanting to take more of Oikawa’s time. (2/3)
“Wait!” Oikawa feels his breath getting heavier. “Do you want to eat me? No! EAT WITH ME?”

“I’d be honored.”

With Ushijima by his side, Oikawa leads the way to his den. (3/3)
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#ushioi — nsfw, omegaverse, ruts, breeding kink, small age gap #hqomegaverseweek2022

Wakatoshi’s self-control is slipping, and Tooru is to blame.

“Toshi-nii, you feel so /good/,” Tooru moans as he rolls his hips in fervent, fluid motions that have the older alpha groaning.
Here’s the thing. Wakatoshi had always been protective of Tooru. When they were younger, he found himself playing the part of the knight in shining armor, even when Tooru himself was no delicate princeling and was capable of fighting (and starting) his own battles.
It didn’t matter that Tooru had an older sister who was just as protective. Wakatoshi made it his job to make sure Tooru was happy and unharmed.
Read 32 tweets
#ushioi — nsfw, omegaverse, loss of virginity, unprotected sex, small age gap (free day #hqomegaverseweek2022)

These are five things that Ushijima Wakatoshi knows to be true about Oikawa Tooru.
One: Tooru is his close friend’s younger brother.

Two: Tooru is nineteen, four years his junior.

Three: Tooru has a long-standing crush on Wakatoshi.

Four: Tooru is, and has always been, off limits.
And yet—

“Toshi-nii, you’re so /big/—”

Five: Tooru grips Wakatoshi’s cock like it was made for him.
Read 27 tweets
#ushioi — college au, pining

Oikawa has been patiently waiting for Ushijima to realize that their relationship has never been purely physical.

Their arrangement wasn’t supposed to be anything more than a way for co-captains and stressed-out college students to blow off steam.
Something simple, something casual.

But right from the beginning, Ushijima had made that impossible.
“It is late. Would you like to stay over?” Ushijima asked while kissing the length of Oikawa’s neck.

“There is a restaurant right outside of campus that I think you would enjoy,” Ushijima said with certainty and pride as he reached for Oikawa’s hand.
Read 14 tweets
#ushioi, #hqomegaverseweek2022, NSFW🔞, omega!Oikawa, alpha!Ushijima


Tooru’s favourite part about his heat is just how /sensual/ it makes him feel.

He doesn’t have much of an opinion about his body. Yes, he’s a world class athlete and he takes care of himself like one.
Still, he’s more focused on feeling rather than looking good.

But when it’s that time of the year and lust curls through his bones to caress at his skin? He wants to look /hot/.

It occurs in several stages.
He’ll start by admiring himself in the mirror more often, petting his flank as his eyes trace his curves. Then, he’ll move on to touch. Lotions, oils, scrubs - he’ll indulge in anything that makes his skin soft and smooth. At the peak of his heat, he’ll be so sensitive
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#ushioi — nsfw, omegaverse, mpreg, knotting, omega lock, *intersex omega #hqomegaverseweek2022

At the recommendation of their doctor, Wakatoshi purchases a hammock for Tooru, his heavily pregnant mate, when sitting begins to leave the omega feeling restless and uneasy.
* Note: In this universe, omegas are intersex. Words like cunt and pussy are used.
The hammock solves more than just one problem.

“Toshi,” Tooru sobs into his mate’s neck, right where he had claimed the alpha for himself, forever. “/Please./”
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It’s a strange thing, Tooru thinks, to be held so close that he feels every breath Wakatoshi takes, and to still feel as though they’re oceans apart.
It’s clear in the way Wakatoshi looks at him when he thinks Tooru isn’t aware of the eyes tracing his silhouette.

He thinks that Tooru will leave. After three months of seeing each other, Wakatoshi is still waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Tooru isn’t about to pretend that he’s a verbally direct person, but he’s never let that get in the way of expressing his affection.
Read 13 tweets
#ushioi — college au

“Oikawa,” Kuroo says as he approaches Oikawa’s seat. “I didn’t know you went to Shiratorizawa.”
Oikawa, who had been resting his head on his folded arms, straightens up and shoots Kuroo with an icy glare. He’s still groggy from the night he had, but he isn’t so tired that he’d let such obvious lies slide. He opens his mouth to protest—
Sawamura snorts behind him and beats him to it.

“He didn’t.”

Kuroo’s falters. “Then why are you wearing their jacket?”
Read 9 tweets
#UshiOi // A!Wakatoshi was not used to pack dynamics; his family followed a different tradition of monogamy (probably to keep on track business and inheritance). Image
When he met O!Tooru, a proud member of the Seijoh pack, Wakatoshi knew he would be his mate. And the courting began.

The gifts were easy, but the dates not so much. Seijoh members were very attached to Tooru. Not only alphas tried to keep him away from him, betas and omegas.
Anyway, Wakatoshi being a strong, reliable alpha, got Tooru to accept him as his mate.

The logical next step was for Tooru to move to Ushijima's lands. But it didn't happen.

His perfect and stubborn omega didn't want to leave his pack.
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#UshiOi drunk confessions

Wakatoshi watched him from afar, fascinated by his loud laugh and confident self.

And Oikawa, oblivious as usual, didn't even spare him a glance.

“Ushijima-san, are you okay?” he heard a familiar voice next to him.
Wakatoshi turned to Kageyama. How? How could he be okay when Oikawa Tooru was in the same party but wouldn't even deign to look at him?

Let alone the same party. The same country. When was the last time they had met? One? Two?
Wakatoshi wasn't asking for much. Just a simple hello and a small conversation. Wakatoshi wanted to know if Oikawa was doing okay.

“Kageyama...” his voice came out more slurred than he meant to. “Are you friends with Oikawa?”

Kageyama made a face. “No?
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Ushijima’s face gives him a lot of trouble working as a pediatrician. Children generally don’t respond well to his stern features. He reminds them of a parent, perhaps a strict teacher, someone they might expect to be scolded by.
Patient, polite, and perceptive, Ushijima is among the best pediatricians in their town. But kids don’t care about that when you look the way Ushijima does.

Some are neutral about him, neither pleased, nor fearful, and that’s about as good as he could hope for.
He doesn’t mind being unpopular with children. He manages, regardless. The work is still fulfilling, even if it takes his patients some time to warm up to him, and they usually do.
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#ushioi — nsfw, exhibitionism, alcohol

Oikawa never would have imagined that his night would turn out like this. Who’d have thought that he’d be riding the goddamn mechanical bull, with Ushijima right under him, keeping both of them steady as they swayed?
It started with a dare.

“I bet the two of ya can’t stay on that thing,” Atsumu had said, drawl stronger now that he was tipsy, or maybe it sounded that way because Oikawa /himself/ was tipsy.
Doesn’t matter. What /matters/ is Oikawa never backs down from a challenge. And so he stood up and dragged Ushijima to the ring, determined not to fall off the bull.
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#ushioi — nsfw, omegaverse, age difference, “pup” as a term of endearment, slight praise and breeding kink

Tooru has been on the receiving end of a few comments since he started dating Wakatoshi, a younger alpha.

“Will your pup be coming, Tooru?”
Tooru whips his head towards Issei, who is looking at Tooru with his familiar lazy grin. Their friends have yet to arrive at the restaurant, and Tooru supposes that the alpha would be teasing Tooru to pass time.
He huffs. “No, he won’t. And for the last time, he’s only younger by six years.”

Of course, the comments were never really intended to slight Wakatoshi, who they have essentially adopted into their pack.
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#krtsk (side #ushioi) — omegaverse

It’s not the first time the thought crosses Tsukishima’s mind, but it’s the first time it lingers long enough to leave a bad taste in his mouth.

Or maybe it’s the cheap beer that’s ruining his palate.

(Oh, who is he kidding? No, it’s not.)
When you take in the way Oikawa and Kuroo are standing—how their bodies are turned to each other, the easy confidence in Kuroo’s posture and the unmistakable grace in Oikawa’s—it’s hard to deny that they make a good-looking pair.
A charismatic alpha and a beautiful omega.

Compatible on every level. A striking sight, even in a sea of people.

Figures. Of course Kuroo would go for someone like him.
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#ushioi /oneshot spoilers🧵

Kageyama is a fine setter, one of the finest Ushijima’s ever had. Iizuna, too, is perfectly good. But watching Goshiki, Sakusa, Hinata, and all the others hitting Oikawa’s cunning sets…

After the game, Ushijima can’t help but blurt out, “Set to me.”
They’re shaking hands under the net, and he realizes belatedly that he’d interrupted Oikawa’s “Good game.” He could kick himself. His whole life, he’s done nothing but say the wrong things to Oikawa. Add this one to the list.
“Forget it,” he opens his mouth to say, his shoulders deflating already, ready to maintain his pride by avoiding Oikawa the rest of the night, but Oikawa interrupts him this time. “Okay.”

Ushijima looks up at him, shocked. “Okay?”
Read 12 tweets

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