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she/her. 30 yo. 🇲🇽. ENG & SPA. salviohexia on AO3. bottom!Oikawa lover. UshiOi is my comfort zone. Oikawa rare ships enjoyed. pfp by @Y_nina95
Nov 16, 2022 47 tweets 6 min read
#UshiOi | Coffee shop AU


“A medium mocha, please.”

“Anything else?”

“Nothing, thank you.”

Wakatoshi takes the order, and a few minutes later, he delivers the drink. The customer thanks him and leaves. Wakatoshi is left thinking about his piercing eyes. Tuesday

“A large cappuccino, please.”

“Anything else?”

“Nothing, thank you.”

Wakatoshi takes the order, and a few minutes later, he delivers the drink.

“Have a good day.”

“You too,” the customer replies before leaving.

Wakatoshi thinks about how good-looking the man is.
Nov 12, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Omegaverse / interview with Oikawa

“So, Tooru, what do you look for in an alpha?”

“A tall handsome alpha that can give me tall pretty babies.

»That means some of my acquaintances are pretty much out of the contest.”

[JNT making fun of Shoyo and Iwa on the gc. Ushi is hopeful] “Do you have someone in mind?”


“Friends this is huge news! Tooru, could tell us who the mysterious alpha is?”

“Not at all! It’s a secret!”

“Tooru, you’re always so good to us. Wouldn’t you give us a hint?”

“Sure thing! This particular alpha I like smells like—“
Oct 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read


“Do you believe in soulmates? Do you think we’re soulmates?”

“I don’t know if I believe in such thing as a soul being real.

»However, when I was a kid I read that soulmates could be explained because people’s atoms were near when Universe was created. »And they’re drawn to each other because the atoms want to be together again.

»I know it doesn’t make any sense, and even if I’m not a scientist I understand that’s not how atoms work but I’d like to think we’re made of the same star.”


“Tooru, why are you crying?”
Oct 21, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read


“What would you do if I didn’t exist? Would you be dating another person?”


“A-ha! I got you! Tell me about them right now.”

“No, Tooru. It’s nothing like that

>>I was thinking that if you didn’t exist, I’d be looking for ways to find you. >>I’d be writing poems about how my love is going to waste because someone is missing.

>>I’d be painting over and over again the silhouette of a person I know should be by side.
Sep 14, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
#UshiOi // A!Wakatoshi was not used to pack dynamics; his family followed a different tradition of monogamy (probably to keep on track business and inheritance). Image When he met O!Tooru, a proud member of the Seijoh pack, Wakatoshi knew he would be his mate. And the courting began.

The gifts were easy, but the dates not so much. Seijoh members were very attached to Tooru. Not only alphas tried to keep him away from him, betas and omegas.
Sep 13, 2022 24 tweets 5 min read
#UshiOi drunk confessions

Wakatoshi watched him from afar, fascinated by his loud laugh and confident self.

And Oikawa, oblivious as usual, didn't even spare him a glance.

“Ushijima-san, are you okay?” he heard a familiar voice next to him. Wakatoshi turned to Kageyama. How? How could he be okay when Oikawa Tooru was in the same party but wouldn't even deign to look at him?

Let alone the same party. The same country. When was the last time they had met? One? Two?
Feb 13, 2022 89 tweets 13 min read
Mientras la profesora explica las diferencias entre conjugar un verbo regular y uno irregular, Oikawa desvía la vista, aburrido.

La lluvia azota contra la ventana, ya es posible distinguir los charcos de agua formándose en el jardín de la escuela. Guardándose un suspiro, Oikawa considera sus opciones. Por una parte puede no decir nada, continuar como nada hubiera pasado y rezar porque las cosas volvieran a la normalidad.
Feb 7, 2022 63 tweets 10 min read
My goblin brain is horknee! I can’t stop thinking about omegaverse UshiOi.

Alpha Ushi knowing he wants omega Tooru as his mate the second he lays his eyes on him.

Ushi’s a man with a mission. It’s difficult because it’s not like he and Oikawa meet on a daily basis . Courtship is slow, however, constant . Every match they have, every camp their teams are invited, every only captains reunion, Ushi makes sure to bring something to Oikawa.

“I bought one milk bread for me, but the machine gave me two.” He lies as he hands Tooru the only