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Feb 27th 2022
The Russian invasion of Ukraine brought the Montreux Convention of 1936 back to the agenda. I compiled some of its intricacies earlier in a Turkish thread. Let me summarize some of it here.

You can read the Convention in English at…
For a brief overview of its rules regarding the passage through the Turkish Straits, check the section written by #KudretÖzersay (pp. 224-234) in the #TurkishForeignPolicy, ed. by #BaskınOran and published by #UtahUniversityPress (2010).
Here is a summary table from it👇Please note that these are rules just for transit. There are additional regulations on the types & tonnage of ships that non-riparian states can bring to the Black Sea, the number of days they can stay, & the total tonnage they can keep there.
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