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Mar 20th 2022
I know toothpaste adverts show people covering the surface of the toothbrush with paste.

You don't need that much paste to brush your teeth. You need a small amount, like the size of a grain of brown beans.

Also, don't rinse your mouth, just spit out
It is the fluoride in your toothpaste that prevents your teeth from decaying and prevents bacteria from colonizing your mouth and causing bad breath

Rinsing off the toothpaste just washes off all the fluoride and your mouth is bare again, you'd notice your breath turns bad fast
Yes I know you are not used to it, you spent all your life till this very point rinsing your mouth

But if you try this, you will see the marked improvement in your teeth and mouth in general

You can wait a while before you eat

Trust me, this method will save you from a lot
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