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Nov 14th 2021
Hershel "Woody" Williams
Medal of Honor recipient:
United States Marine
WWII #FlameThrower
27 Medal of Honor recipients - Iwo Jima, 13 survived WWII - "Woody" is the last one left living at age 98 of the 13 ..
Thank you to ALL who gave some & TY to the SOME that gave ALL! .
ALL are heroes in my eyes & I Am proud to say that I Am an American because of all the warriors who fought for me to be free!

I know pretty much all Vets will say the real heroes are the ones who weren't able to come home, those who have come Home, I Love You for
living your lives Honoring your fellow brothers & sisters!

Thank You Again & Again for ALL who have Sacrificed for me & my FAMILY 2B Free !

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