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Sep 22nd 2020
Thinking of how to get your children or wards ready for the new school season? Join our Twitter chat session tomorrow by 2pm as Mayowa Adeyinka-Oni discusses how you can with Stanbic IBTC Education Trust.
#SET Image
Thinking of how to get your children or wards ready for the new school season? Join our Twitter chat session today by 2pm as Mayowa Adeyinka-Oni discusses how you can with Stanbic IBTC Education Trust.
#SET Image
Hi everyone and welcome to our Twitter chat this beautiful Wednesday. Hope you are all having a good day.
So it's #Backtoschool season and we will be chatting on how to get your wards and children ready for the next school session with Stanbic IBTC Education Trust.
Read 19 tweets
Sep 9th 2020
Dear parents, as the #backtoschool season approaches, remember to reinforce everyday COVID-19 precautions to keep your ward safe and informed.
And if you haven’t been putting funds away for their education, now is the time to do so with Stanbic IBTC Education Trust (#SET).
#WealthWednesday ImageImage
To get started, kindly click here… to fill out your details on the inquiry drop-down to enable us contact you directly. You may also send an email to #WealthWednesday
Read 3 tweets
Sep 2nd 2020
Our Independently Managed Portfolios (IMP) are discretionary management agreements whereby clients delegate the day to day investment decisions and implementation of their chosen investment strategy to Stanbic IBTC Asset Management Limited...
#WealthWednesday Image
...while retaining the full beneficial ownership of their investments.
Our Portfolio Managers will initially meet with you to discuss your investment objectives. Then, in consultation with you and your advisers (where applicable), we will agree on a core investment strategy.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 26th 2020
Join our Twitter #WealthWednesday chat today by 3pm as we will be discussing all you need to know about Stanbic IBTC Bond fund. Image
Hello everyone, welcome to our Twitter Chat this beautiful Wednesday. Today we’ll be discussing all you need to know about the Bond fund. Send us any questions you have about it using the hashtag #WealthWednesday and we’ll answer them!
The Bond fund is one of our Mutual Funds products primarily invested in government bonds. It also has a mix of money market instruments in it to create a robustly diversified fixed income portfolio. #WealthWednesday
Read 20 tweets
Aug 19th 2020
Who is the first person you call when your car gets hit? #WealthWednesday
Our Super App now has the Insurance module which offers you the opportunity to view your policies, renew policies, and make a claim.
If you happen to be in that situation, here’s what you should do.
• Navigate to the required policy and click the claim icon
• Upload images of the damage, showing the car registration
Read 5 tweets
Nov 15th 2017
What is that saying? ‘’Little drops of water make a mighty _____________ ‘’ #WealthWednesday
Jude worked full time with an oil and gas firm while Toke, his wife was a full time home manager. #WealthWednesday
This arrangement gave her time to raise their kids & run a small business from home especially as they did not want a live-in help though they could afford it. #WealthWednesday
Read 13 tweets

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