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Jan 10th 2018
#UofT is home to some of best architecture in #Toronto, says @globeandmail architecture critic & @uoftalumni @alexbozikovic.

Here are 5 buildings he highlights from the downtown campus in "Toronto Architecture: A City Guide".
1. John P. #Robarts Research Library @uoftlibraries

Ronald Thom called Robarts Library a “dictionary of architectural miseries,” but in the 50 years since it was built, "Fort Book" has inspired new appreciation. @Fisher_Library “is one of the best modernist spaces in the city."
2. @rotmanschool

@alexbozikovic calls it “a fascinating assemblage." Bruce Kuwabara, @KPMBarchitects told @RotmanMgmtMag that it “takes the school to another level in an urban context, in a creative city,” while providing the space and resources for 21st-century classrooms.
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