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May 1st 2019
As night falls, @jrwagz light a #YellowCandle to remember a single life lost in the Holocaust.

Blima Lancberg died age 8, the same age as our son is today. She was born and died in Sonowiec, Poland. She would have been 85 today had she lived.

We must never forget
@jrwagz What do we know about little Blima?

Not very much.

From her profile in the @yadvashem database, based on a relative's testimony, we know that she was born in 1934 and died in 1942 in Sosnowiec.
Blima lived for eight years and her memory is now reduced to this single form, and a few scant biographical details, filled in in Hebrew script.

Was she a lively girl? Did she have many friends? Did she want to be scientist when she grew up? We will probably never know.
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