Blima Lancberg died age 8, the same age as our son is today. She was born and died in Sonowiec, Poland. She would have been 85 today had she lived.
We must never forget
Not very much.
From her profile in the @yadvashem database, based on a relative's testimony, we know that she was born in 1934 and died in 1942 in Sosnowiec.

They probably had their business plundered and possessions stolen, denying their right to peaceful enjoyment of property
It is no coincidence that the rights guaranteed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were a kind of haunting mirror image of the rights denied by the Nazis to their enemies
- 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- 1951 Genocide Convention and Refugee Convention
- 1953 European Convention on human rights
I made a short film with three genocide survivors - their experiences were different but the commonality was the gradual stripping of human rights which laid the groundwork for mass murder
#YomHaShoah (day of Holocaust remembrance) lasts until sundown, as should Blima’s candle.
Please look at the #YellowCandle hashtag and spend a few moments taking in the thousands of stories of human lives lived and lost

Thank you for taking a moment to let her memory live again
Until next year