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May 10th 2021
210510 Weeekly X AKP Forum Thread;

#Weeekly #위클리 @_Weeekly
OP: What is your favorite color?

[#Zoa] I like red, yellow, and white!
OP: How do you gals feel about being no.1 on Spotify's Viral 50 playlist?


[#Soojin] I couldn’t believe it and was elated when I first heard the news. I’d really like to thank everybody who likes Weeekly’s music♡
Read 48 tweets
Jan 8th 2021
Rocket Punch members mentioned #Weeekly & #Zoa on Vlive today

(Full Trans)

Suyun: We were watching (Zoa & Dahyun) with the Weeekly members in front of them.
Yunkyoung: That's right, it was our first time meeting too but we were just standing beside each other watching (..)
Suyun: We went like, "They're so cute right?!" to each other.
Dahyun: Really, it felt like our moms were watching us. We were talking with each other, and the managers and everyone else were watching too.
Suyun: We became one! The managers were (clapping) while (..)
going "Finally, our babies are making friends!!"
Yunkyoung: It was the first for Dahyun, and they really didn't know each other before.

#위클리 @_Weeekly
Read 9 tweets

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