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Jan 12th 2023
@MattWalshBlog Matt, any TradCon attempt to try and cling to the Failed War on Drugs is going to incinerate any grasp on what little power Right Wingers still have because it runs counter to Reality. You can fault Libertarians for a lot but on this issue we are 100% correct.
@MattWalshBlog You don’t like the pungent smell of cannabis that’s fine totally understandable. What’s not understandable is witnessing America devolve into a police state where millions of poor people have been locked up for growing or possessing a plant and then thinking it’s a great idea.
@MattWalshBlog Especially when the great idea of the #FailedWarOnDrugs has made the problem infinitely worse like Al Capone x1,000 and it drastically empowers the Regime to piss all over the Constitution which itself is written on Hemp which was banned. This is retarded in a demonic way.
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