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Apr 6th 2023
April 6, 1980... BJP was formed under the leadership of Atalji. Congratulations to #BJP on the occasion of their 43rd Foundation Day. 43 years and counting. From just 2 MP seats to an outright majority in 2014, the story of hard work, perseverance, [1/8] Image
organizational building capabilities, and countless leaders who worked tirelessly to build the party is an inspiring one. The "never say die" attitude and personal branding that various leaders built around themselves - be it Atalji, #Advaniji, #PramodMahajan, [2/8]
#Sushmaji, #Amit ji, or #Modiji - is commendable. The beauty of this organization lies in its ability to churn out the next level of leaders by giving them space and opportunity to learn. #Annamalai, #BandySanjay, #TejasviSuya, #Fadnavis, [3/8]
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