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Feb 22nd 2021
An open Tweet thread for #AmyHerdy, #AmyZiering, #KirbyDick, @JaneDoeFilms & @HBODocs. Someone sent me a clip of your big “Gotcha” moment from Episode 4 where you try to discredit @MosesFarrow’s claim that there was no functioning electric train set in the crawl space... 1/5
...described in such detail by @RealDylanFarrow in her 2014 piece in @NickKristof’s @nytimes column. Your supposed “checkmate” move presents a diagram of this space from the police report, showing a circle with the words “Toy Train Track.” *Cue ominous music.* 2/5 Image
Now I have a complete copy of the court transcripts, as I presume you do, since you named your film after this case. So I know exactly what’s behind little failed hat trick. There are two possibilities: Either you are really half-assed researchers... 3/5
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