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Nov 9th 2019
The final event of the day is the keynote address "Rediscovering our Humanity: Reading the Classics Behind Bars" by @RUClassics Dr. Emily Allen-Hornblower and Mr. Marquis McCray.
Mr. McCray starts with the anecdote that this is the first time he has been in an academic setting since his release from prison a year ago. In his adolescence, he emulated what he knew--drugs, sex, etc. He did not know this at the time. #AncientAgency
He didn't know his psyche was being shaped by a narrative that wanted him to be a thug. He later learned that we are 3 dimensional and there is a journey inside all of us. That is what the classics is to him--his Dante's inferno descent and re-ascent #AncientAgency
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