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Jun 27th 2022
भक्तानां मानसांबोजभानवे कामधेनवे ।
नमतां कल्पतरवे जयीन्द्रगुरवे नमः ॥
ಭಕ್ತಾನಾಂ ಮಾನಸಾಂಭೋಜಭಾನವೇ ಕಾಮಧೇನವೇ |
ನಮತಾಂ ಕಲ್ಪತರವೇ ಜಯಯೀಂದ್ರಗುರವೇ ನಮಃ || 🙏
Dhanyavad to @tattvavadaelib for bringing out this sacred stotra in 9 languages with meaning in English useful for novice understanding.
As mentioned earlier the Credit should go to Sri Suvidyendra Theertharu for rendering translation (in Kannada) of this divine stotra when He was Pontiff of Mantralaya Sri Raghavendra Swamy Matha, based on which subsequently English versions have come into picture based on it.
#Durithaapahara Stothram also known as Paapa Vimochana #Stothram composed by Saint Sri #Vijayeendra #Theertharu is focused at common man, an eye opener for those who are ignoring/deviating from the subtle elements of #saAdhana maarga;+
Read 6 tweets
Jun 16th 2022
👉An insight

1. We are wasting our time
2. Doing gunotkarsha of unworthy people
3. Doing punyakarya not even equivalent to a sesame seed
4. Not effectively utilizing Gnyendriya/Karmendriya in service of God
5. Mind to be kept under control + Image
6. Due to our sinful acts even little Punya is getting destroyed;

7. Assuming that we live as a permanent entity we are behaving like a Pashu/Chandala;

8. Never attempt for a righteous living;
9. We R born in Bharata Desa (Punya Bhoomi); in Manushya Janma that too as Vaishnava; very rare opportunity; boon granted upon us by ParamaAtma

10. Effectively we have only 10 yrs time in our life for SaAdhana

11. Always having evil mind – no diff. between us & Pashu/chandala++
Read 9 tweets

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