Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #arrestfascistmaino

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Apr 22nd 2020
One man who has shaken the lobby
One man who has rattled the ecosystem
One man who exposed the Vadra Congress
One man who gets under the skin of Lutyens Journos
One man who shows contempt for Bollywood and 5* Activists
One man who shows the truth
Congie baboons can call Modi
Maut ka saudagar
Neech aadmi
Chowkidar chor hai
Gandi Nali ka keeda
Rabid Dog
They hve even abused his ma
Arnab to Sonia
"Antonio Maino"
Congies dng Nanga Naach

The audacity to silence a Journalist, attack him at midnight amidst a strict lockdown.
Cong hs always intimidated any kind of opposition,this is how they ruled d country
From emergency to state sponsored 1984 riots
Read 6 tweets

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