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May 3rd 2023
I've been writing about climate change for years, but reporting this story really got me. It brought me to tears several times but also made me hopeful and filled me with awe. The Australian Alps are beautiful, and home to unique and threatened plants and animals... a 🧵 (1/12) Ravens fly above a snowy ra...
They include the adorable mountain pygmy possum, which hibernates all winter under the snow, and was thought extinct until 1966 when some were caught raiding bacon in a ski lodge. There are only around 2500 of them & they're only found in this part of Australia above 1200m (2/12) Image
They wake up hungry in spring—just in time to gorge themselves on high-fat, high-protein bogong moths which migrate to the mountains in their billions to hide from the summer heat, sometimes in the very same rock crevices where the sleepy possums are awakening. (3/12) Bogong moths hide in a moss...
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