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@jlberrymd #b12deficiency

Here's a cool case with an important take-home message.

A 48 yo M is referred to you with macrocytic anemia. Before looking at the graphic you should have a rough differential diagnosis at your finger tips!

Peripheral smear shows large RBCs, anisocytosis but otherwise unremarkable.

You work up the patient for macrocytic anemia by checking B12/folate and copper levels, liver function, thyroid function, SPEP but you stop short of a bone marrow biopsy. See graphic for results.

All lab tests are negative with the exception of a (VERY) elevated LDH, an increased AST:ALT ratio and low haptoglobin. A CT abdomen was normal (as was the PT/INR and serum albumin).

What is this suggestive of?
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