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Aug 24th 2020
@BACP I just watched your about completing the SCoPEd questionnaire. I would like to share with you my personal experience of your engagement with me as one of your members. I speak for myself only, a member that wants to engage with you #SCoPEd 1/
@BACP You were questioning, wondering about the lack of engagement from members. On your Youtube page, you have posted (this year) a total of 3 #SCoPEd related videos lasting less than 6 minutes combined with no substantial updates or information to help me make sense of it 2/
@BACP so I do not feel you have engaged with me through your YouTube platform. When I go to your website there is nothing on your main page about #SCoPEd, so if I did not know about it I would have no idea this issue is in consultation at the moment 3/
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