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Jul 12th 2021
Here's an explainer thread on today's bombshell exposé from our partner @PSRenvironment on the secretive approval and use of highly toxic PFAS chemicals as ingredients in #fracking fluid.

Let's start with @HirokoTabuchi's story in NYT, which is fantastic…
As @HirokoTabuchi notes, @EPA approved the use of these chemicals for fracking 10 years ago, over the grave concerns of its scientists. We are just finding out about it now bc fracking ingredients are trade secrets. The oil/gas industry enjoys exemptions from federal...
environmental laws that otherwise mandate disclosure of any inherently toxic chemicals entering the shared environment.

But my friend, crackerjack investigator @DustyHorwitt, ferreted out 1000s of pages of heavily redacted documents via FOIA requests filed in 2014 and...
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