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Feb 12th 2020
Ok, that bath was a bit of a disaster, I think I’ll have to start a #BathTimeWanker series to rival the #BusStopWanker one 😹 So, my lovely mate made me a beautiful pamper basket. I’ve been trying to use it since Sunday. I’ve built up to this moment since waking up this morning/1
I have fun adding the biggest, most unicorn bath bomb you’ve ever seen in your life. I add half a bag of Epsom salts. Some lavender bubble bath. I go downstairs & get a drink. Since I have no bubbles to stick in a champers glass to be totally extra, I make a cuppa of earl grey /2
Obviously the Earl Grey needs a splash of Lidl’s finest gin & loads of hunny. Yum yum yum. I keep adjusting the temperature of the water because I’m not going to do my usual trick of ending up with it being stone cold/too hot & wasting a years worth of bath products /3
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