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May 18th 2019
by artist Jeff Koons,
sold 4 > $91 million
at Christie's Auction House
most 4 work by living artist at auction.

Robert Mnuchin, an art dealer +
father of Treasury secretary,
had winning bid on behalf of client.🤔

Robert Mnuchin
would rather not discuss his client
(or his son, Steve Mnuchin)

The treasury secretary’s father,
a New York art dealer,
paid record price last week
4 a work by a living artist.
(Jeff Koons)

But for whom? 👈👁️
On Wednesday night,
shortly after gallerist
Mary Boone
traded in the Hermès 4 prison garb,
fat cats from
what is often described as
the world’s biggest
unregulated market besides
guns + drugs,
traipsed N2 Christie’s
4 its postwar art evening sale.…
Read 25 tweets

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