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Jan 5th 2020
So. My not signing with Opera News months ago was actually ZERO to do with money. It's why I said it will take me time to show why.
I wasn't going to, but in life one must speak up, so others do not make mistakes.
Or lump you in same money-is-my-sole-motivation basket. Ugh
DISCLAIMER: I don't begrudge anyone who signed with Opera. Their choice. It is why I also didn't prioritise speaking about it. But when I see media folk missing the point why I'd never advice anyone to sign such a contract? It is time to speak up. My people, dis thing pass MONEY!
At first, I even tweeted about eagerly seeing what the Opera model was going to be, and RT'd some of my faves, randomly. I was not looking for extra work as I was still recovering from surgery etc. Then I was contacted. When my lawyers read my contracts, they cover money last.
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