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Apr 20th 2020
1/ THREAD: "Well I know one thing, I didn't get any. That's for [sic] sthure."

Trump's response when asked about whether he thought it was fair that big corporations received funds that was ear-marked for small businesses.

#BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLangauge #TrumpPressConf
2/ Note that Trump quickly looks away from the journalist who asked this question and closes his eyes as he mispronounces, "sure".

#BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConference #BodyLanguage
3/ Trump's #BodyLanguage, verbal denial (and mispronunciation) was a cluster of deception. History will show that some of these funds ended up in Trump's hands.


#BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConference
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