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May 12th 2020
31/ Just like the #Trump failure during #TrumpPressConf it seems like #Phunware is up for failure at NASDAQ, @TeamTrump

"Closing bid price of the Company's common stock must be at least $1 for a minimum of 10 consecutive business days until the Compliance Date (December 28)"
👇 Image
32/ @TeamTrump #Phunware #TrumpIsALaughingStock

Promo Video lies. Says "Join Millions".

* Android app = 4.1K ratings (majority)
* Apple app = 2.9K ratings (minority)
* Google Play Downloads = 100K+
* Apple Store Downloads = N/A

Hasn't even reached level 500K on majority OS
👇 ImageImage
33/ #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace

The App has the Permission:


It's excusable for Apps having a Setting for "Only do X if connected to Wi-Fi"

I don't know if it has such a Setting. If not, it is usually used to collect Wi-Fi's around you, for more location data
👇 Image
Read 22 tweets
May 12th 2020
1/3: Today's @realDonaldTrump #TrumpPressConference #TrumpPressConf (also hashtagged #TrumpMeltdown, used here shamelessly but without judgment) ended with an exchange between @weijia and #Trump. Headline: Our AI, Margaret, says he was agitated for real, not show. See chart...
2/3: ...Margaret indexed his mean comfort level specifically against almost 60 hours of just @realDonaldTrump in press conferences (formal, not gaggles). There was the increased discomfort in the first 12 minutes... not at all unusual. #Trump is traditionally less...
3/3: ... comfortable on script vs. off-script. He settled into his midpoint during Q&A. The spike at the end (not 2σ, but a decent 1.55σ) is his exchange with @weijia. Transcript / analysis:
Read 3 tweets
May 11th 2020
21/ #ZelenkoProtocol

1. Abstract Conclusion = Zinc helps
2. But: Paragraph 2 under METHODS
3. Essential to read study's methods

"Patients were *included* if ... had either been discharged from the hospital, transitioned to hospice or expired"

Full PDF:…
22/ #Hydroxychloroquine & #Chloroquine & #Azithromycin

Norwegian Medicines Agency published a Warning April 23 & updated it on May 6.

Translates perfectly to English:


23/ #Remdesivir & #Vaccines & #SARSCoV2 & #COVID19

Norwegian Medicines Agency reports:

"Investigations started in Europe"

EMA - Remdesivir:…

NMA - Medicines & Vaccines:…

#TrumpPressConf #TrumpLiesAmericansDie
Read 25 tweets
May 9th 2020
SPECIAL ANALYSIS: The UN has warned that a shocking 16 million Yemenis are at risk of contracting the #coronavirus, dealing a whopping blow to what it has already described as the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.
By: @AlhouthiAhmed
12 trucks loaded with food and medicine and other basic commodities went up in flames when @Saudi warplanes struck them. as they awaited passage through a customs checkpoint at the Afar Port in Al-Bayda.
#coronavirus #TrumpPressConf
The attacks on food and medicine trucks come as #Yemen grapples with funding cut. Aid Chief WHO, said that nutrition programs will also be cut and 80 percent of health- services provided through U.N. funded programs could also stop.
Read 3 tweets
May 7th 2020
1/ Little Thread about all The Misleading Medical Information still floating around about #Hydroxychloroquine & #Chloroquine & #Azithromycin & #ZelenkoProtocol - by 1 doctor - @zev_dr & #Remdesivir & more

Despite #TrumpIsNotADoctor has stopped saying "What do you have to lose?".
2/ #TrumpIsTheWORSTPresidentEVER

First, why it has been political all the way, suspected from day one:

"Trump had been touting HCQ for weeks, sparking worldwide shortages of HCQ & prompting negotiations with Indian PM Modi to lift export restrictions"…
3/ #Trump2020

Indian PM Modi and Trump held a rally together.

"Mr Trump wanted to show people in the US that he was hugely popular abroad and that he was capable of negotiating good deals out of a country he once described as the king of tariffs"…
Read 45 tweets
May 3rd 2020
1/ WTH? @TeamTrump Campaign goes full North Korea? That App Promo Video is literally what you can expect to see in Dictatorships & Cults. #Resist #Resisters #Resistance #TrumpIsAnIdiot
2/ Not weird that the #TrumpLiesPeopleDie App uses #Phunware after seeing these slides! They're not hard to understand. Gives you a sense of total lack of privacy. Guess #TrumpCult users should be warned! ImageImage
3/ #Phunware claims:

"Ability to collect Location Data from more than 1 Billion Active Mobile *Devices* per Month"

Said in 2019 when there was about 3.2 billions smartphones in the world.

So collecting almost 1/3 per month?

There's your #Trump & #PrivacyNotIncluded

👇 + 👇 ImageImage
Read 52 tweets
Apr 23rd 2020
1/ THREAD: As Pence says, "elective" ("We, we recognize the role that elective surgeries play in finances for local hospitals") he makes this expression.

#BodyLanguage #BodyLangugeExpert #TrumpPressConf
2/ Pence's face is an amalgam of two emotions:

• Doubt/disbelief (Note the dramatically asymmetrical elevation of his forehead)

• R2E2 (This resembles disgust and indicates a feigned empathy and an attempt to recruit his audience in co-rationalization & manipulative-rapport)
3/ Notice he also is gesturing hyper-frequently near his chest (palms inward) but never touches his chest (with his palms or even his fingertips). This screams insincerity and manipulation.

#BodyLanguage #BodyLangugeExpert #TrumpPressConf
Read 4 tweets
Apr 23rd 2020
1/ THREAD: Trump earlier today at the WH press briefing: "We're taking very special care of our nursing homes — and our seniors. Other than me — other than me. Nobody wants to take care of me."

#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConf
2/ Just on the face of it, this statement is:

A. Profoundly Narcissistic
B. Obviously, factually untrue (are we really to believe the President receives no or little medical care?)

But let's do a deeper diver & examine Trump's #BodyLanguage in this moment.

3/ As he says his first of two "Other than me" statements, Trump points to his left chest and, with the tips of right middle and ring fingers, touches his chest.

#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConf
Read 11 tweets
Apr 22nd 2020
1/ THREAD: Another one of Trump's common manipulative techniques is that he verbally and nonverbally singles out journalists. For example, as he says here, "... and I always say this for you in particular"

#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConf
2/ ...(or, "You know this better than anyone, John.", etc. [even calling them by name]). He does this while pointing at them with his index finger/forefinger (which is offensive in all cultures).

#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConf
3/ This has the simultaneous effect of making them feel temporarily elevated/exclusive (even they know he does it to everyone) but also intimidating.

#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConf
Read 4 tweets
Apr 22nd 2020
1/ THREAD: Trump is always trying to sell you a condo. He's constantly trying to fool his audience. And like many conmen, he's a fast talker.

#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConference
2/ One of the techniques of such individuals is to make a series of false premises that build on each other.

#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConf
3/ In between these false premises, Trump doesn't want you to refute his statements — so he rapidly extends his hand in a dominant, palm-down fashion, and begins his next premise at an accelerated rate.

#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConf
Read 4 tweets
Apr 22nd 2020
1/ THREAD: This is NOT an 'Okay gesture'. Trump says, "it's easy, ya know it's easier to stop everything cold" as he displays a White Power sign with both hands.

A simple 'Okay sign' is highly out-of-context in this scenario...

#BodyLanguge #BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConf
2/ This nonverbal (illustrator) was in response to a question regarding migrant workers in the context of Trump's immigration ban.

#BodyLanguge #BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConf
3/ A couple seconds later he suppresses a smile. Smiling or suppressing a smile out of context is always a red flag. This is a relatively new racist gesture. Trump is sending a signal to his base.


#BodyLanguge #BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConf
Read 3 tweets
Apr 21st 2020
1/ THREAD: Trump displays an amalgam of:

1. Anger
2. Forward Lip Purse

during a question regarding his upcoming order barring new immigration.

#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConf
2/ A Forward Lip Purse indicates:

• Clandestine Plan
• Undisclosed Information
• Undisclosed (full or partial) Disagreement

#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConf
3/ This nonverbal combination is particularly ominous. With high likelihood, Trump's intentions are to prolong his order barring immigration.

#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConf
Read 3 tweets
Apr 20th 2020
1/ THREAD: "Well I know one thing, I didn't get any. That's for [sic] sthure."

Trump's response when asked about whether he thought it was fair that big corporations received funds that was ear-marked for small businesses.

#BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLangauge #TrumpPressConf
2/ Note that Trump quickly looks away from the journalist who asked this question and closes his eyes as he mispronounces, "sure".

#BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConference #BodyLanguage
3/ Trump's #BodyLanguage, verbal denial (and mispronunciation) was a cluster of deception. History will show that some of these funds ended up in Trump's hands.


#BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConference
Read 3 tweets
Apr 20th 2020
1/ THREAD: File this pic under expressions that should never trust.

#BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #TrumpPressConf
2/ Note Trump's:

• Lowered Eyebrows
• Eyebrows contracted together
• Narrowly opened eyelids
• Tension in lower eyelids
• Tension in midface

#BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #TrumpPressConf
• Flared nostrils
• Thinned and horizontally stretched lips
• Bulging below lower lip
• Clenched jaw
• Reddened face (on top of orange)

#BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #TrumpPressConf
Read 4 tweets
Apr 20th 2020
1/ THREAD: Trump looks dramatically away from @weija as she presses him on his delayed response to the #Coronavirus.

#BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #TrumpPressConf
2/ This nonverbal dynamic not only conveys disrespect to #WeijiaJiang, but it's also a method the psyche uses to down-regulate temper. Trump was about to lose any remaining impulse control.

#BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #TrumpPressConf #ImpulseControlDisorder
Please excuse my typo, Ms. Weijia Jiang's correct twitter is @weijia
Read 3 tweets
Apr 20th 2020
1/ THREAD: Trump gestures with his right hand via a palm down finger-splayed configuration. Palm down gestures are alpha/hyper-alpha #BodyLanguage tells as well as rapport destroyers.

#BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConf
2/ So while the people using palm-down displays will feel more dominant, these dynamics alienate their audiences.

#BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #TrumpPressConf
3/ Note, also, that his right index finger (forefinger) is separated from the plane of the hand. This is a subliminal pointing display known and is one type of a partial emblematic slip.

#BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #TrumpPressConf
Read 4 tweets
Apr 18th 2020
1/ THREAD: Trump telling us that his Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, "has that, pretty much under control." (that being previous monies being given to a lab in China).

#BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #TrumpPressConf
2/ Whenever exaggerated facial movements are used during an answer or statement, this is a form of over-acting and deception.

#BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #TrumpPressConf
3/ If a person is not a skilled actor (i.e., and good at hitting the exact emotional mark), rather than underact, the human psyche tends to over-act. What we see here on Trump's face is a #BodyLanguage manifestation of this phenomenon.


#BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConf
Read 3 tweets
Apr 17th 2020
1/ THREAD: .@CDCDirector's suppressed smile (which occurred immediately after a self-righteous head wiggle) as he says, "more than twenty #Coronavirus outbreaks that are going through all these states" is alarming.

#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConf
2/ Smiling out of context is always a red flag. Dr. Redfield is taking joy-pleasure in these events. Even if he were proud of the CDC's response to the crisis, he should never be smiling amidst death. This behavior signals sadism.
#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConf
3/ Suppressed smiling is a manifestation of what is known as 'Duping Delight'. Miss this nonverbal signal at your peril.


#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #TrumpPressConf
Read 3 tweets
Apr 16th 2020
SPECIAL REPORT: 10,000 cars line up in #SanAntonio, full of hungry, increasingly desperate people. Thousands already arrived the night before just to get a chance to eat. “We just can’t feed this many,” said the local food bank CEO.
By: @AlanRMacLeod…
The food lines are a glimpse into what a future American #socialist state would look like. However, this is not a hypothetical society but a very real present. It is Breadline 2020, today’s #America. Existing food banks are struggling to cope.
#Covid_19 #TrumpPressConf # Image
#MintPress News spoke to a number of people on the front lines attempting to keep #America fed during the worst pandemic in a century. “Needs have skyrocketed not just here but around the country,” said @ActivistEleanor, a creative activist, and journalist.
#COVID19 #lockdown Image
Read 4 tweets
Apr 15th 2020
SPECIAL REPORT:Despite leaving nearly every other sector of the economy in ruins, the #COVID19 pandemic has been a windfall for the for-profit #healthcare industry, which is expecting to make dazzling profits off of the crisis.
By: @AlanRMacLeod
United #healthcare the country’s largest insurer, controlling over 50,000 #Doctors will announce yearly profits of over $21 billion. Former healthcare industry director @wendellpotter, has accused the conglomerate of unethical practices.
"Patients are getting crushed financially because of UnitedHealth’s actions. And, some doctors may as well,” Potter says, concluding that, “As ER docs & other #Physicians risk their lives treating #COVID19 patients, @UnitedHealth is playing games to rake in profits.
#TrumpVirus Image
Read 6 tweets
Apr 14th 2020
A delivery of #COVID19 test kits to WA State was seized & diverted by the federal gov’t.

They were forced to order them overseas due to Trump’s incompetence & still ongoing test shortages.

At today’s #TrumpPressConf he repeated—states are on their own.…
The LA times reported about the federal government seizing, diverting & stockpiling medical supplies from overseas last week.

FEMA’s response: “Reports of FEMA commandeering or re-routing such supplies are false.”

Oh. Look at that.

The governor of Illinois has been reduced to chartering flights from China in secret to avoid Trump’s authoritarian government from stealing medical supplies.

Read 7 tweets
Apr 14th 2020
Glad @CNN chyron writer is back with real time trolling. #TrumpPressConf
Trump previously thank China for its help, bot now blame WHO for its support in China.

More attempts on rewriting history #TrumpPressConf
I’m guessing this is where Trump brag about his travel band, yet leaving out 40k traveler that still came from China.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 30th 2020
Mr. President, Mr. President. Can you explain why the richest country on earth is staring down the barrel of having 25x the deaths from #COVID-19 that China had while having one fifth the pop., especially when the US had 8 weeks advance warning?
The only response Trump “Pyschophants” have is “but China....”

It’s obviously getting harder and harder to defend the Blamer-In-Chief. Forget about China. The US is going to be worse than Italy. NY is already ahead of Italy in cases per million. It’s a major administration FU.
People just don't connect the horrendoua testing debacle that continues to this day with the spreading of the virus. 7 days for results is 7 days of transmission. Many areas still won't give you a test unless you literlly have one foot in the grave.
Read 3 tweets
Mar 27th 2020
Trump today: “I’m not just blaming President Obama... in all fairness to all the former Presidents, none of them ever thought a thing like this could happen.”

Fact check: 30 members of transition team were briefed by Obama officials on almost this exact scenario. #TrumpPressConf
“Days before @realDonaldTrump took office some of a President Obama’s advisers walked the incoming President’s team through a hypothetical scenario remarkably like the one we are living through now,” @davidgura #TrumpPressConf #CoronavirusPandemic
During the transition, Obama’s team walked 30 Trump officials through a global #pandemic scenario, detailing the best ways to coordinate federal and states resources, enact travel bans, protect public health and ensure lab & hospitals supplies were maintained, explains @ChrisLu44
Read 3 tweets

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