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Aug 23rd 2019
In 99.999999% of the country, we call it a felony.
In San Francisco, they will now call it "justice-involved."

I'm trying to remember who was fond of saying, you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.

This #BraveNew #Stupidity will take some getting used to:
Was "murder," now it'll be "early departure specialist."

Was "robbery," now it'll be "asset reallocation activity."

Was "rape," now it'll be "involuntary pleasure services."

Was "assault & battery," now it'll be "attitude adjustment services."
Mind you, I am for small to no government. And I think much of what is handled as "crime" should be moved to civil resolutions, but violent felons being hidden from public view?

Not a good look, San Francisco.
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