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Aug 1st 2020
They say you die twice: the first time when your heart beats its last, the second time when the last person who knows your name dies.

This indicates that life employs a garbage collector based on reference counts. In this essay, I will
This tweet blew up!

What a great time to remember that #BreonnaTaylorWasMurdered and #BreonnaTaylorsKillersAreFree.

This call to action, on the occasion of the birthday stolen from her by white supremacist police violence, got no-knock warrants banned. We must keep going!
Also, as @sqcai pointed out, taking the idea in the quote too seriously completely devalues the lives and experiences of billions of people whose names are lost but who made the world a better place through e.g. under-appreciated labor like child/elder care.

they are not garbage
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