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May 11th 2021
State Senator Anna Caballero started out in politics as a sideways Mayor for the @CityofSalinas. Nothing she touches turns out good and @GavinNewsom had her on a short list for AG of CA, but chose @RobBonta instead.

This is part of Caballero's legacy:


@CASenCaballero did nothing about corruption in Salinas CA. In fact, Caballero's political influence made it worse. Sal Jimenez is part owner of the one card room in all of Salinas - he and his partner rec. special treatment. SJ had been on the planning commish.


One source of income for Sal Jimenez, as disclosed on his @CA_FPPC forms was from the owner of @SalinasPD's "evidence tow" Henry Jones.

Henry Jones is best buddies with the guy @JerryBrownGov corruptly pardoned. Dave's a criminal.

But his buddy Henry Jones flies blue line
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