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Apr 26th 2022
#MovieReview Just Watched #Lostcity which is a Romance and Adventure #Comedy .

And here is my 2cents on the movie.

#Thread Image
1. Stress reliever needed
I HAD A BLAST watching this movie, nothing to strain your brain but good enough to make you laugh in the theater or at the comfort of your TV!
It is just a stress relief and they delivered.
#Sandra falling off the car rolled my ribs off. Image
2. Awesomeness in this #movie and the #cast

The characters were top notch.
At first I was heck no to blonde Dash aka #ChanningTatum then it happened to grow on me. Great character development. Image
Read 9 tweets
Jan 31st 2021

#2NE1 Image
Read 273 tweets

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