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Aug 4th 2020
As #ChangeOver wednesday beckons and my twitter feed fills up with #TipsForNewDocs, I thought I'ld buck the trend and share some #tipsforolddocs based on my 11 years as a junior doctor, 7 (and counting) of which as a registrar. A thread (1/n)
Your F1s weren't born Drs
Don't assume what you've learnt over 5, 10, 20 years is common knowledge to them. No other profession comes close to the relationship of a jedi master/ young padawan as what we've in Medicine. Nurture and cherish this relationship. #tipsforolddocs (2/n)
Repeat after me, "I will remove the phrase "back in my days" or other similar phrases from my vocabulary." You aren't in your juniors shoes. So stop comparing. Makes you sound like an old prick. (3/n)
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