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Apr 14th 2023
Based on Yuri Averbakh's categorization, what is your chess personality type?

1) Killers: They take the game's result personally & use chess as a means of breaking an opponent's ego. E.g. Bobby Fischer, Garry Kasparov, Mikhail Botvinnik, and Viktor Korchnoi.
#chess #chesstype ImageImage
2- Fighters: They enjoy the process of struggling with the opponent & don't lose heart even if their position is inferior.
E.g, Arkadij Naiditsch & Valentina Gunina.

3- Athletes: who see chess as a sport & don't take the results personally.
E.g. Jose Raul Capablanca & Boris S. ImageImage
4- Gamblers: They love taking risks & competing in everything.
E.g. Anatoly Karpov & Magnus Carlsen.

5- Artists: Creating a masterpiece or making a fantastic move on the board is more important for them than the actual outcome of the game.
E.g. Vladimir Kramnik ImageImage
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