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Dec 17th 2022
It’s officially #chilblain (AKA perniosis) season again ❄️ 🧊
Chilblains are itchy, burning, red/purple, lumps on the toes/fingers…
A 🧵 with some tips (based on professional and personal experience!) -
#dermtwitter Image
1. When at home avoid barefoot/ thin socks on cold, tiled/wooden floors
2. Keep indoor environment warm (including water bottles/ blankets where appropriate!)
3. Wrap up outside - hands, feet, core and head!… especially relevant if not moving e.g watching sport 🏉 ⚽️
4. Being thin puts you at higher risk (less padding!) so if you’re heading out, layer-up
5. Hand and foot warmers are useful
6. Keep moving - activity/ exercise improves circulation
7. Good overshoes and thick socks when cycling 🚴‍♂️
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