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Thread on #computerfire contributors (my summaries).

Why is tech smoldering? What is to be done?

Read Your Computer is on Fire: new book launch & readings TOMORROW, Tuesday March 9, 2021 at 5 pm EST. Register:…

1/ Happy IntWomen'sDay!
In “the Cloud is a Factory” @nensmenger launches the first section “nothing is virtual” with the cloud being coal-powered: Amazon, like Sears before it, organizes trust, bodies, and matter across the global carbon chains that is computing.

2/ #cloudfactory #computerfire
In “Your AI is a Human” @ubiquity75 powers through how minimum-wage laborers stand in, unacknowledged, for almost every promise of AI to date. Smart algorithms, commercial content moderation, social media? Don’t be fooled: tech is people.

3/ #AIhuman #computerfire
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