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Nov 9th 2020
Our brains can only focus on a few things at once

Displaying only active projects (should be 5-10 MAX) in your productivity system is key

Scrolling your entire project list is just gonna make you procrastinate more (overwhelm)

Here's how to do it in @RoamResearch #roamcult
My project management system in Roam is mostly based on @Anonym_s3's free youtube course

for the barebones context, each project has metadata with the Project tags in it. Then there's the Project Todos tag with every todo underneath. That allows me to display project lists.

I always use the project todos page, so that's where we go next
Read 6 tweets
Dec 5th 2019
We have found another location at Tabar Sani, Kudan LGA, work shall commence by weekend In shaa Allah. Thank you all for your contributions, we are still searching for more locations, mostly rural areas, Send a DM if you have one please. Jazakallah khair. #Buildawell
Alhamdulillah, Work has also started here. #Buildawell ImageImageImage
Read 8 tweets

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