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Nov 2nd 2022
There's no official NAFO meme "brand".

So, racist, misogynist or plain bad content can be planted or used to discredit the movement; both are probably already true.

I'd like to think being exemplary is enough, but let's be clear:

If you're going there, you ain't NAFO to me.
It'd be hubris in the extreme to speak for the movement or tell people how to make art.

Let me say, then, to me, at least, from experience, there's a few really easy way to tell what the lines are.

One, are you punching up or down - going with or against social hierarchy?
Examples help illustrate. We just did this with #parmesanGirl & #crayZone.

There is a male-female social hierarchy in a lot of societies, mine (America) included; we're working on it, but it's there.

Going at Alex Rubinstein pretty hard is pretty OK. With Susli, you need lines.
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