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Aug 25th 2020
Στα #CyprusPapers είδα 19 Κινέζους πολιτογραφηθέντες πολίτες (είμαι σίγουρος ότι υπάρχουν παραπάνω). Στο άρθρο 3 του Chinese Nationality Law απαγορεύεται η διπλή υπηκοότητα. Αντιλαμβάνονται κάποιοι στη #Cyprus ότι μια χώρα του P5 την χρειάζεσαι για το εθνικό σου θέμα;
Το ίδιο ισχύει για τον Ιρανό πολίτη με notice από την Interpol. Γιατί χτίζουμε σχέσεις με το κράτος του Ισραήλ αν πολιτογραφούμε, διεθνώς καταζητούμενους, εν δυνάμει αρνητές του Ολοκαυτώματος;
Στη λίστα υπάρχει μέλος του συριακού branch της Μουσουλμανικής Αδελφότητας. Κριτικάρουμε το al Jazeera αλλά πως μπορούμε να πουλάμε την πολιτότητά μας σε χρηματοδότες ισλαμιστικών militants που επιδόθηκαν σε εγκλήματα στη Συρία και πολεμούν για λογαριασμό της Τουρκίας στη Λιβύη;
Read 9 tweets
Aug 24th 2020
An investigation by @AJIunit has identified more than 40 Politically Exposed Persons - PEP’s - officials considered “vulnerable to corruption” who have bought a Cypriot citizenship, and reveal the legal loophole allowing them to keep their passports | #CyprusPapers
@AJIunit An investigation by @AJIunit has found that Cyprus allowed dozens of people to buy citizenship even though their political connections make them a high risk for corruption.

Find who is in the #CyprusPapers 👉 Image
@AJIunit Explore leaked Cyprus government data from the #CyprusPapers investigation. @AJIunit has published 100 profiles of people who paid to become EU citizens, including criminals, fugitives and high-level officials who pose a risk for political corruption 👇
Read 4 tweets
Aug 23rd 2020

We're publishing a leak of documents we’re calling the #CyprusPapers

They show the EU nation of Cyprus sold passports to convicted criminals, sanctioned officials & politicians.

We'll be releasing new stories all week. Here's a first look at what we've found.
More than 2,500 people paid to become Cypriot citizens between 2017-19.

Each application costs $2.5 million & brings in needed investment for Cyprus.

We found at least 15 billionaires in the #CyprusPapers.

But we also found dirty money.
People with criminal records have always been banned from buying Cypriot citizenship.

So how come convicted fraudster ZHANG KEQIANG got his passport in 2018?

He’s one of 30 people we’ve found in the #CyprusPapers linked to criminality.
Read 13 tweets

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