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Jul 23rd 2021
Welcome to another warm summer morning! 👋😎(or at least that's what we hope!) 🤓
Today is #FridayPaleoart and we are going to visit a recently discovered site... 👇😉
Cave: #Danbolinzulo
Place: Zestoa, Gipuzkoa
Motif: Red painted and engraved goat
Chronology: #Premagdalenian
⁉️This is a really small cave (with least than 30 meters of development), currently accessed through a small hole in #Ertxiña mountain.
💭It would be interesting to known how was the cave during the Upper Paleolithic. ➡️Currently, there are a lot of blocks and some speleothems.
❗️The cave is small, but it is very well placed over a narrowing of #Urola valley.
☝️😌It was known by @Antxieta_Taldea in 1980 when they located some post-paleolithic remains, but in 14th of dec. of 2014, they found red paintings inside, confirmed as paleol. by @MGarcia_Diez.
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