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Apr 12th 2022
Peekabo! Examples of epitaphs in situ in the catacombs of #Rome (examples are from Catacomb of Priscilla, open to the public). In 3 cases, hidden behind later retaining piers; last one is painted on wall of a chamber within a tabella ansata. Source: ICS, #DAPICS #EpigraphyTuesday
more frequently, epitaphs & other funerary artifacts in catacomb settings secured in modern displays - first & foremost, so that they stay there. Displays tend to be clustered in accessible areas so that you & I can see them. All catalogued in @EdbUniba. #EpigraphyTuesday
examples I've shared are older, grimier versions of many epitaphs on marble, which have since been cleaned & documented in better lighting than a flashlight beam. Virtually all found in disturbed context, making it necessary to remount them, often thematically #EpigraphyTuesday
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