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Sep 23rd 2020
Time to go!!!!!

Tuesday September 22 6:30 pm Davis City Council meeting.

The zoom link is here:

#Davis #DavisCityCouncil #DavisCCMtg
[Closed captioning is available on zoom]

City Manager brief announcements -

Yolo Habitat Conservancy wins state innovation in green community planning award
Small business grant program, $750k

Grants to reimburse local small businesses for costs related to impacts of COVID-19. Awarded through lottery system by geographic location. Davis gets $236,000. Application period Sept 28 - Oct 4.

[The URL on the slide doesn't work?] Image
Read 187 tweets
Sep 16th 2020
We're off to the races again!

Tuesday September 15 6:30 pm Davis City Council meeting.

The zoom link is here:

#Davis #DavisCityCouncil #DavisCCMtg
Everyone here, agenda is approved.

City Manager announcements.

1. Closed captioning is available on city zoom meetings now. Click cc at the bottom of the screen
2. Election info

Mail in ballots only. There will be voter assistance centers and ballot drop boxes available around town and the county. to register! Please register!!!!
Read 177 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
🚨Meeting tonight🚨

Monday September 14 6:30 pm there is a Police Accountability Commission meeting.

The zoom link is here:

#Davis #DavisCityCouncil #DavisCmsnMtg #DavisCCMtg
Let's goooooo

Closed captioning seems to be working - staff person whose name I do not know

Kelly: It's pretty good, not perfect
Brief staff announcements
(The unnamed person above is named Carrie)

If you're trying out CC and have feedback please reach out to them!

City Council meeting tomorrow night - will have a presentation about UC Davis resuming and COVID
Read 143 tweets
Sep 1st 2020
Agenda is approved, Emma is a new member from the Human Rights Commission
Dillan is going to run the meeting with Bapu supporting.

Kelly is covering the timeline now - originally she thought the turn around was quicker but now the city manager (Mike Webb) has clarified
Read 133 tweets
Aug 29th 2020
Monday August 31 6:30 pm there is a Davis Joint Subcommittee meeting on public safety.

The zoom link is here:

#Davis #DavisCityCouncil #DavisCmsnMtg #DavisCCMtg

What is the joint subcommittee? What am I talking about? See below!
As you know (I assume) there is a national conversation right now about racism and police brutality. Davis City Council listened to 90 minutes of public comment in their budget meeting in June about the police in Davis and what the public wanted to see.
[As always if I have any facts incorrect, lmk]

Most of the comments (from my memory) called for cutting some or all of the Davis Police Department's budget.

City Council did not cut the budget that night citing lack of information.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 27th 2020
Guess what's happening tonight! That's right it's another live tweet thread!

August 27 Human Relations Commission is meeting at 6:30 pm zoom link is

Agenda is here…

#DavisCCMtg #Davis #DavisCityCouncil #DavisCmsnMtg
One calendar says 5:30 pm and one says 6:30 pm so I'll check at 5:30 pm and report back
Ok they haven't started yet it's at 6:30 pm
Read 88 tweets

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