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May 13th 2022
$NWBO DEDUCED RECKONING: Northwest Bio reports Phase 3 results.

1/ "Only 5% of glio patients survive for five years. So how stunning is it for DCVAX-L to see life expectancy at 60 months rise from 5.7% to 13%, an increase of 228%. Some patients have seen total remission glio and are cancer free more than a decade after treatment.
2/ For example, Brad Silver participated in the Phase 1 trial 17 years ago and is cancer free now."

Read 81 tweets
May 11th 2022
DCVax-L Phase 3 Trial Results

Final Top Line Results, Phase 3.

Delivered 5/10/22 to the New York Academy of Sciences by

Dr. Paul Mulholland, MBBS, MSc, PhD, FRCP, University College Hospital, UK


via @YouTube
If you watch this by idea closely, you’ll note that the trial coins not proceed ethically UNLESS it was a crossover style. But all the patients lived longer including the recurrent ones who got access to #DCVaxL late. THAT was their placebo arm originally. There is no way in hell
, in my opinion, that a regulator is going to push a drug company into a crossover trial ethically, and then say, oh, man, your drug is so successful in making everyone live longer, but there is nothing that can be done. You fail! That’s not how regulation works.
Read 9 tweets
Apr 20th 2022
1/ Re $NWBO and #DCVaxL aka "ATL-DC" in brief:

#DrLindaLiau, principal investigator for a Phase 3 #DCVaxL trial recently gave a lecture covering the #DCVaxLComboTrial with #Keytruda.
2/ $NWBO and UCLA have a patent application pending approval for immunotherapy combinations with #DCVaxL.
3/ The #DCVaxLComboTrial appears to be intended to further the patent process and also to likely advance new commercial opportunities, including potential partnerships, for $NWBO. Many commentators have suggested some obvious potential partners.
Read 33 tweets

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