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Nov 15th 2020
The webinar hosted by @behearddc is mind-blowing. I cant unsee what I saw. I felt sick seeing & knowing the costs & phone companies’ profits while harming families & deaf/disabled inmates. This is what capitalism in mass incarceration looks. #DeafInPrison
the current or former (?) inmate talking to @behearddc commented people who head to prison or jail should be protected. It falls on the overall system (educational to judicial) who created this. Deprivation in many deaf & disabled people’s lives should be discussed. #DeafinPrison
the concept of school pipeline to prison (shouldn’t be a concept in the 1st place) doesn’t just apply to hearing schools; this also includes deaf schools. workplaces & more count b/c that’s where deprivation of information often happens. #DeafinPrison #DeafPrisonPhoneJustice
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