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Nov 8th 2019
#DebateNick, a hashtag calling for Daily Wire pundit Ben Shapiro to debate alt-right podcaster Nick Fuentes, trended last night/early this morning. We took a look at how it propagated. #AltWankers

cc: @ZellaQuixote
@ZellaQuixote Where did #DebateNick get started? The first on-topic tweet is an exhortation from @ZoomerClips to trend the hashtag We also found a comment on 4chan proposing trending the hashtag (and another taking credit), but this appears to be an hour after @ZoomerClips’ tweet.
@ZellaQuixote @ZoomerClips Retweet network for the first ~4 hours of #DebateNick tweets. The hashtag appears to have gained sufficient momentum to trend largely due to a small but devoted group of accounts that retweeted dozens or hundreds of #DebateNick tweets apiece.
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